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September 2020

‘How to Take a Data-driven Approach to Healthy Buildings and Workspaces’

Every year seems to bring a new global crisis, highlighting the importance of having a truly resilient risk management strategy in place. Here at Switch, we’ve been revising our day-to-day processes to be more resilient in the face of local and global crises. We hear that property owners and managers worldwide…

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April 2018

‘Smart Buildings’, Big Data, and IoT in Real Estate: Too much of a good thing?

My wife and I were at the airport recently waiting for our flight when we came across a restaurant with iPads at every seat.   Always eager to try new technology, and with plenty of time before our flight, we decided to grab some food and check out the capabilities.  As we got situated the tablet […]

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July 2019

[Video] The Impact of ESG on Commercial Real Estate

Watch Dan Winters, GRESB Head of Americas, in this video webinar from S&P Global Market Intelligence on the impact of ESG on commercial real estate. This webinar explores the connection between ESG factors and Commercial Real Estate. We look at how ESG impacts how assets are evaluated, public REITs and funds are analyzed, as well […]

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February 2019

2 Issues for 2019: social value and biodiversity net gains

The importance of sustainable real assets has become increasingly evident through the positive impact they can have on returns for investors/owners as well as future proofing the value of the investment. Issues such as energy efficiency are often an initial target, in part due to the ease with which improvement can be measured. More recently, […]

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October 2016

2016 GRESB Real Estate Assessment: What You Need to Know about Your Results

The 2016 GRESB data has been available for over a month, and judging from the phone calls and emails received by the GRESB Helpdesk, the 750+ entities who submitted their ESG data are busy evaluating their performance and writing internal reports explaining how they did. At the same time, the GRESB team has been playing […]

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October 2017

2017 GRESB Infrastructure Industry Working Groups

GRESB Infrastructure is organizing a series of 3 Industry Working Groups (IWGs). IWGs are small, structured, expert groups of GRESB members and participants that address a specific development topic or research question relevant to the GRESB Infrastructure Assessments. GRESB members and participants are an integral part of the Assessment evolution process and can provide focused input […]

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October 2017

2017 GRESB Results Presentations

You can find all of our presentations on SlideShare.

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December 2017

2018 ESG Goals

As you begin planning your company’s ESG goals for 2018, consider the below questions to help drive your priorities. Did your company meet its 2017 ESG goals? What measurement system(s) are you using to determine if the goals were met? Did you use a Data Framework, ESG Standard, Rating, Ranking or Index as part of […]

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October 2018

2018 GRESB Health & Well-being Module – Insights and Implications

The 2018 GRESB Health and Well-being (H+W) module has evolved from its original version to provide even more sustainability benchmarking value.

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October 2018

2018 GRESB Results Photo Round up

The 2018 GRESB Results events were the most expansive yet- with 21 events being held across 4 continents and 13 countries. More insights can be found across our social media channels, and the programs, as well as slides from the presentations, are all publicly available. London Sydney Sydney San Francisco Hong Kong Hong Kong Brussels […]

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February 2019

2019 will be the year of adaptation to climate change: the French perspective

Decreasing energy consumption (of buildings in particular) is one of the major priorities of energy and climate policy in France following the Paris Agreement in 2015. This decrease considers all activity areas, especially real estate, which accounts for a large share of French carbon emissions (27%). With its first “Low Carbon National Strategy”, France is […]

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February 2019

2019: the Breakthrough Year for Smart Buildings?

Smart buildings and smart cities have been at the forefront of sustainability discussions for much of the past decade, but they have always felt like a vision of the future. During this time we’ve increased the amount of technology in our buildings, and have now arrived at the time of The Internet of Things where […]

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January 2019

2019: Trends in Sustainable Real Assets

2018 was an exciting year for sustainable real assets, as more assets were required to participate in benchmarking or disclosure. As a result, we shifted from talking about regulatory and compliance obligations and costs to sustainability as a value-add driver of cashflow and asset values. The federal government’s retreat only increased the focus on sustainable […]

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February 2020

2020 Changes to GRESB Assessments – Verdani Partners

Daniele Horton, founder and president of Verdani Partners, participated in a video interview at Nareit’s 2020 ESG JumpStart Workshop, discussing the changes that are being introduced to the GRESB Assessment in 2020.

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December 2022

2022 GRESB results and CRREM pathways: a call to action

With the sector exceeding its carbon budget and CRREEM pathways becoming more unforgiving, a robust move towards better data coverage, integrating renewable energy and electrification of the sector are high priority areas for the real estate sector in 2023.

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November 2023

2023 GRESB Regional Insights Singapore event – Infrastructure in Asia

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July 2023

2023: A wave of new ESG reporting requirements

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April 2023

2025 EPBD: a game changer for EU real estate

Our industry is engaged in an important dialogue to improve sustainability through ESG transparency and industry collaboration. This article is a contribution to this larger conversation and does not necessarily reflect GRESB’s position. Andrea Palmer and Stan Bertram describe five reasons how the new EU Directive could transform real estate You would be forgiven to […]

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August 2019

3 Tools to Improve Industry Diversity & Inclusion

Canada is known as one of the most diverse countries in the world, but many of our industries have trouble reflecting Canada’s diversity in its workforce. This has certainly been the case with commercial real estate (CRE), which has traditionally had the reputation of being composed of mostly white, able-bodied males.

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June 2017

3Degrees helps Akamai drive down emissions

Akamai shows that companies with smaller loads can still play a leadership role in combating climate change AKAMAI’S GOAL: 50% renewables by 2020 Reduce GHG emissions below 2015 levels by 2020 Akamai Technologies, the world’s largest cloud delivery platform, recently invested in an 80 megawatt wind farm in Texas. This investment is designed to match […]

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May 2017

4 ESG Takeaways for the Real Estate Sector from the 2017 GRESB Siemens Spring Conference

The first annual GRESB Spring Conference took place last week at the Crystal in London, hosted by Siemens, and those of us who were there are still processing the many insights and takeaways from the event. The venue was full of inspiring people — attendees, presenters and moderators — all gathered in one place. The combined […]

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December 2018

4 Key challenges and solutions to achieving carbon neutrality

  The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has issued a recent report stipulating that without drastic measures to cut carbon emissions, reduce energy use and remove carbon already in the atmosphere, we are “extremely unlikely” to meet the Paris Agreement goal of keeping global warming below 1.5C.

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August 2017

4 Quick Questions with Sander Paul van Tongeren, Managing Director of GRESB

How has the scope of GRESB changed over time? Since 2009, GRESB has expanded its real estate coverage beyond private equity firms to include many U.S.-based REITs and a growing group of listed property companies globally. We continue to experience a strong uptick in REIT participation as the industry seeks to benchmark ESG best practices […]

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December 2019

4 Steps to Include Stakeholders on Your Sustainability Journey

Let’s explore four key milestones of an organization’s sustainability journey to see how stakeholder engagement can help:

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November 2019

4 Steps to Setting (and Achieving) Long-term Climate Targets

Although a sizeable proportion of the world’s companies have voiced their support and developed short-term responses to the Paris Agreement, an analysis shows that we all need to move faster.

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February 2020

4 Tips to Acing the 2020 reporting season

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution to sustainability reporting, but several key practices distinguish those who lead from those who struggle. Reflecting on the 2019 GRESB Real Estate results, there are over 1,000 responding property companies, and overall scores continue to rise as competition grows. To better the chances of coming out on top, here are a few tips to keep in mind throughout the reporting process – for this year and the next.

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June 2021

4 Ways to Increase Resilience in the Built Environment: Responding to the Threat

The growing severity of climate-related risks and, as 2020 has shown us, the risk of global social, health and financial events we cannot anticipate means we will increasingly need to anticipate, respond, and adapt to a range of risks. To increase the resilience of our built environment, we will need to combine all available approaches: resistance, reliability, redundancy, response and recovery. Together they can help our buildings and infrastructure survive and thrive.

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August 2018

5 Ways for Companies to Address Water Scarcity and Management

Explaining Scarcity “If climate change is the shark, then water is its teeth and it is an issue on which businesses need far greater levels of awareness and understanding” – Paul Dickinson, Chief Executive Officer, Carbon Disclosure Project  Water management by business has made an interesting journey over the past century – from unlimited use […]

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January 2020 sdg corporate social responsibility

6 Ways business can align with SDGs and make an impact

For many companies, aligning with SDGs is the next big way to make a positive impact as an organization and attract investment dollars from increasingly climate-active investors.

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February 2018

9 Strategies for improved GRESB disclosure

Whether you’re new to the ESG disclosure market or a seasoned veteran, you’re probably aware of a paradigm shift in the real estate industry. Recent years have shown an increased demand for sustainability-focused construction and operations, as well as greater transparency into the efforts put forth by organizations in regards to ESG-centric business practices. There […]

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March 2020

A 2050 target but no time to spare!

We are now in a critical period requiring rapid and urgent action to retrofit our buildings in a bid to address climate change. The Paris Agreement set a global imperative to restrict global warming to 2⁰C or below. To achieve this ambition, global greenhouse gas emissions need to reduce rapidly today with developed economies ultimately becoming Net Zero by 2050. We cannot afford to bide our time and cut emissions later.

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September 2015

A bright idea to reduce energy use

[one-half-first] [/one-half-first] [one-half] Purpose of the project Sonae Sierra is constantly looking to improve the energy efficiency of its existing assets and has reduced electricity consumption across its portfolio by 40% since 2002 (its benchmark year). Nevertheless, in the pursuit of continuous improvement, the Company realised that there were irregularities in the energy consumption of […]

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October 2019 Growing Demand for Consistent ESG Reporting

A Budding Interest in Health and Well-being in Real Estate

Incorporating health and well-being into real estate design takes time and investment. Why, then, do companies make the effort? To find out, we spoke with Elena Cernov, Sustainability Consultant at Schneider Electric Energy & Sustainability Services.

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March 2023

A closer look at the ESG performance of GRESB first-year real estate participants

Each year, GRESB assesses and benchmarks the ESG performance of thousands of real estate companies and funds worldwide, providing timely insights into ESG-related risks and opportunities. With every new reporting cycle recording an increase in participation and a growing number of first-year participants, it is crucial to gain deeper insights into the performance of new […]

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May 2024 updating building certifications

A convincing case for investment managers to apply the ESG lens

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January 2024

A critical time for decarbonization: Bridging opportunities and challenges

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April 2023

A Deep Dive into The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR)

Our industry is engaged in an important dialogue to improve sustainability through ESG transparency and industry collaboration. This article is a contribution to this larger conversation and does not necessarily reflect GRESB’s position. SFDR – these 4 letters are creating a buzz for so many businesses and are driving forward the EU’s low-carbon transition. But […]

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August 2019

A Greater Grasp: How we can use green building to motivate and make meaningful strides in sustainability

It’s up to all of us to start engaging wider audiences and convince the public of the reality of climate-related threats. And to do that, we need to illustrate the importance of small, everyday actions. We have to connect the dots between people and the planet they call home.

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February 2019

A Healthy Dose of ESG can Maximize Investment in Health

Growing evidence indicates that companies can do well by doing good, and that by considering environmental, social, and governance factors, they can optimize their performance and strengthen their bottom line. ESG investing is taking on a new and influential role within the marketplace, expanding company considerations into previously unexplored arenas. Most notably, in pursuit of […]

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February 2020

A Mindset for Sustainability – Five Accounting Principles for Successful Reporting

Reporting on your environmental impact and sustainability initiatives can be a daunting exercise when you are a large and global enterprise. In effect, the greater your economic reach, the larger your governance portfolio, and subsequently the more pronounced – and more complicated – your impact on the environment and society.

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August 2018

A New Focus on Water

Across the United States, and more broadly across the globe, water scarcity is expected to impact more than half the world’s population by 2030[1]. A 2014 study performed by the Government Accountability Office found that 40 out of 50 states in the United States are likely to experience a shortage of freshwater within the next […]

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January 2019

A people-centric approach helps real estate companies better manage sustainability risks

Today, environmental issues are becoming evidently more important to business, regardless of industry and location. While a worldwide consensus is emerging that we can no longer afford to wait, Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old Swedish teenager, reminded us that “if it continues the way it is now, we are never going to achieve anything” in her […]

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February 2019

A Performance-Based Future for Real Asset ESG Reporting

During the past decade, GRESB has worked closely with institutional investors to create a global benchmark for the environmental, social, and government performance of real assets. This long-term effort has been rooted in the belief that information should be aggregated to the level of an investable entity — a company, fund, JV, or similar vehicle […]

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May 2019

A practical approach to assessing and managing physical climate change risks in global portfolios

Every day it’s impossible to avoid learning about another catastrophic climate event in mainstream media. Extreme weather can destroy properties and valuables, threaten lives and cripple businesses. The Financial Stability Board has deemed climate change a risk to the global financial system and launched the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) to guide companies on how to disclose climate-related risks, opportunities and financial impacts.

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January 2023

A proven blueprint: From ESG 1.0 to 2.0

Our industry is engaged in an important dialogue to improve sustainability through ESG transparency and industry collaboration. This article is a contribution to this larger conversation and does not necessarily reflect GRESB’s position. ESG 1.0 In the context of this article, ESG 1.0 is benchmarking at the portfolio scale. Many US cities, like New York, […]

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August 2015

A Sneak Preview of the 2015 GRESB Results: Global Leadership and a Record-Breaking Response

GRESB has a simple but powerful mission: Create better built environments by enabling institutional investors with actionable information about environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance on their real estate investments. GRESB carries out this mission with a systematic process to assess, score, and benchmark property companies and funds around the world. GRESB members use this […]

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December 2023

A time of change

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April 2021

A unified standard needed to take ESG to the next level

Since COVID-19 hit the world in an unexpected way, it has demonstrated to corporates that the easily neglected ‘non-financial’ factors are indeed equally important to long-term sustainability of businesses. The concern on ESG issues is higher than ever before.

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November 2021

Accelerating action for biodiversity: what the built environment sector needs to do

Our industry is engaged in an important dialogue to improve sustainability through ESG transparency and industry collaboration. This article is a contribution to this larger conversation and does not necessarily reflect GRESB’s position. Please refer to official GRESB documents for assessment related guidance. The built environment sector needs to protect biodiversity. Why? Because the sector not only depends […]

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February 2020

Act to Push Forward the SDG 2030 Agenda

According to The Sustainable Development Report 2019, though progress has been made over the past decade, our current status is still far away from meeting “leaving no one behind”, the central principle of the 2030 Agenda.

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January 2017

Addressing stranded asset risk in real estate investment

The value of assets is vulnerable to factors such as environmental challenges, changing resource landscapes, technological innovation, changes in regulations and liability and evolving social norms. Such changes can result in the devaluation or non-performance of assets, thus making them ‘stranded’. This concept of ‘stranded assets’ has been prominently used to discuss the impact of […]

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July 2019

Adopting Circularity in the UAE

What has camel manure in common with landfills? Apart from being waste, both can also play a central role in driving the circular economy, a concept that is fast gaining significance in the UAE – along with the rest of the world.

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August 2018

Advancing Water Risk Assessment: Moving Beyond the Standard Tools

Water is undervalued in most markets. As a line item on a balance sheet, water is hardly noticeable. But as the saying goes, you don’t miss the water until the well runs dry. As more and more regions around the world are facing water risks including scarcity, pollution, and catastrophic weather events, companies are recognizing […]

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October 2019

Air Pollution and Indoor Air: is this ‘invisible’ danger becoming more visible?

Research continues to find links between air pollution and health effects; a recent study has associated short-term exposure to PM with increased symptoms of psychiatric disorders, such as anxiety, in children.

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October 2019

Air Quality Monitoring and Analytics in Buildings

Most people know that the air we breathe outside can be polluted with harmful particles that affect our health. What is less often considered, is that this is no different and sometimes even worse in indoor environments.

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September 2015

Air Source Heat Pump at 350 Euston Road

Purpose of the project British Land’s award-winning energy reduction programme generates cost savings for occupiers, protects asset value for investors and reduces carbon emissions. At 350 Euston Road at Regent’s Place, British Land and property management partner Broadgate Estates Ltd have reduced landlord energy use by 65% in six years. When the traditional boiler and […]

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August 2019

Alchemists Hold the Key

Stakeholders’ engagement is becoming a key area for GRESB assessment and the ability to deal with stakeholders – clients, customers, occupiers, tenants (call them what you will) – has become a key skill for anyone in a client-facing role.

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August 2018

Algonquin College – Where Education and Sustainability Combine for a Greener Future

When Algonquin College made a commitment to become a more sustainable institution for future generations, it turned to Siemens to help achieve its goals. For more than 25 years, Siemens and Algonquin College have partnered to work towards an ambitious goal of ensuring the college reaches a zero net carbon footprint by 2042. A perfect […]

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June 2018

Analysis of physical risks related to climate change for Gecina’s real estate office portfolio

Why adaptation to climate change matters to lower the value at risk Buildings, designed to be managed over several decades, are particularly exposed to evolving climate hazards, particularly extreme hazards: heat waves, floods, intense rainfall, storms. Impacts on Gecina’s activity can be physical (damage to the structure or the technical equipment) or functional (deterioration of […]

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May 2017

Analyzing Energy Data – Does your ERP suffice?

One of the major challenges facing the real estate industry today is the 30% cost of energy inefficiency and waste that is burdening owners. What can real estate owners do to address this problem?

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July 2024

Another step towards green transition: EU’s deforestation regulation

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November 2018

Are you getting recognition for your green power purchases?

Building rating and emission reporting bodies will grade your organization on its carbon footprint and emissions resulting from electricity consumption. The problem is that all kWh are not created equal. To ensure that you’re being fairly graded you should make sure you’re taking advantage of your green power purchases and any green electricity guarantees provided […]

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August 2020

AREF Future Gen Survey: Remote working in a post-coronavirus environment

On March 23rd 2020, the UK officially entered a legally enforced “lockdown,” confining many of us to our homes for the foreseeable future. For some, the transition has been an easy one, having already been accustomed to remote working on a regular basis. For others, working from home has come with its challenges, including lack […]

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July 2017

Asking for the impossible: Health & Well-being

Large open windows with a cool breeze coming in, a plate of fresh fish with home-grown tomatoes, the sea pounding the cliffs in front of us while the children play on the beach and my mother has a snooze. A typical day at the office, right? If only. However, whilst I have to acknowledge that […]

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September 2023

Assessing climate targets: Looking into the future

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April 2018

Assessing the vulnerability of Asia’s ports to climate change

Strategic GRESB Partner, Asia Research and Engagement (ARE), recently published a report assessing the costs of preparing Asia’s ports for climate change. The report focusses on the impact of sea level rise and storm surges. Average global sea levels have been rising at an accelerating rate. Additionally, a 2016 study published in Nature found that […]

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April 2016

Assessing Tomorrow’s Building Stock Today

GRESB started back in 2009 with three founding institutional investors looking to assess the environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance of their real estate portfolios and their investment managers. The first assessment was performed in 2010, and saw nearly one hundred property companies and funds reporting on their ESG efforts and achievements. Fast forward to […]

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February 2023

Attention on Retention: Why Leadership Drives Successful DEI

Our industry is engaged in an important dialogue to improve sustainability through ESG transparency and industry collaboration. This article is a contribution to this larger conversation and does not necessarily reflect GRESB’s position. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) have become the center of focus for employment best practices in the last decade. The ULI Global […]

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October 2022

Australian ports: Opportunities and challenges of decarbonization

Australia now serious about incorporating decarbonization into their master planning.

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October 2023

Automating energy management to build resilience in a dynamic regulatory environment

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November 2019

Bad mood is important for good results

The expectation of an easy, predictable, problem-free existence has never occurred in the lives of any of us It turns out that stress is the new manager in companies. Some believe that it is up to us to manage our own well-being, but end up seeing how often the situation gets out of hand by […]

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October 2022 Best Practices for Adopting Sustainable Business Practices and Sharing Your Progress

Best Practices for Adopting Sustainable Business Practices and Sharing Your Progress

Have a look at the six best practices your company can use to better navigate the process of sustainability reporting.

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May 2022 Beyond the Carbon Footprint Biodiversity is the Near Future of ESG

Beyond the Carbon Footprint: Biodiversity is the (Near) Future of ESG

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and the reduction thereof, have become the poster child of corporate ESG programs. For years, companies have been tracking, reducing, and reporting their energy and
emissions stats. Managing Scope 1 and 2 emissions remains a common and impactful place for
companies to begin their sustainability journey. However, the tides are shifting as other environmental and social considerations begin to enter the spotlight.

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November 2022 Beyond the Sustainability Report How Operationalizing Sustainability Data Can Generate Long-Term Value Creation

Beyond the Sustainability Report: How Operationalizing Sustainability Data Can Generate Long-Term Value Creation 

This article aims to outline best practices for operationalizing sustainability performance data and emphasize the benefits of fully embedding sustainability within operational strategy.

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July 2024 biodiversity and decarbonization in the built environment

Biodiversity and decarbonization: A symbiotic relationship in the built environment

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July 2024

Biodiversity Net Gain comes into force – what does it mean for you?

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March 2018

BRE and GRESB introduce new efficiencies for reporting green building certifications

Seamlessly add your BREEAM asset certification to the GRESB Asset-level Portal BRE and GRESB have teamed up to introduce new efficiencies for reporting Green Building Certifications to the GRESB Real Estate Assessment. The collaboration sees the integration of the BREEAM Application Programming Interface (API) within the GRESB Portal. The API link enables you to locate, […]

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August 2019

Breaking down the barriers to a functional Diversity & Inclusion program

While slow momentum towards real change can be rooted in anything from a lack of ideas to a complete discount of the concept, there are three main barriers to adoption: data, awareness, and team balance.

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July 2023

Bridging the data gap: How utilities data monitoring platforms complement building management systems for robust ESG reporting

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March 2024

Bridging the ESG data gap: Empowering emerging markets for sustainable infrastructure development

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May 2023

Brookfield India REIT demonstrates its commitment to sustainability and net-zero transition through GRESB

About Brookfield India REIT Brookfield India Real Estate Trust (BIRET) is India’s first 100% institutionally managed real estate investment trust. BIRET’s portfolio comprises five Grade-A office parks in campus format across key gateway markets of India – Mumbai, Gurugram, Noida, and Kolkata. BIRET is sponsored by an affiliate of Brookfield Asset Management Inc, one of […]

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September 2023

Building a Decarbonization Modelling Tool

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August 2023

Building a roadmap for sustainable infrastructure: Low-carbon future or pipe dream?

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June 2024 how to impose an expiration date for building certifications

Building certifications: How to impose an expiration date

Discover how GRESB’s 2024 Real Estate Standard amendments impact the relevance of green building certifications over time, covering design, operational, and interior certifications, and their effect on GRESB assessment scoring.

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April 2024 updating building certifications

Building for the future: How certifications embrace change to remain relevant

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March 2024

Building for tomorrow: Dynamic materiality in infrastructure development | The Pulse by GRESB

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May 2018

Building resilience through risk management

New and developing technologies play an increasingly important role in understanding the impact of environmental and social short-term shocks and long-term stressors, and will act as a vital tool to manage risk and improve an organisation’s ability to be dynamic and responsive to both.  Visibility into data is a key component of risk management, as […]

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January 2024

Building Tomorrow: Introducing the GRESB Infrastructure Development Asset Assessment 

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April 2019

CaGBC launches ‘Disclosure Challenge’ to champion building data transparency

Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC) launched the CaGBC Disclosure Challenge initiative to support and champion the importance of data transparency in the Canadian real estate market and encourage broader uptake of benchmarking programs across the country

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July 2018

Can the ‘Net Zero’ Concept Be Applied to Health and Wellbeing?

  ‘Net zero’ buildings are highly energy-efficient buildings that use on or off-site renewable energy to achieve net zero carbon emissions. Can the concept of ‘net zero’ by adapted for the health and wellbeing agenda? Well, I think so and here’s why…

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September 2016

Can the Marriage of Big Data and Sustainability Help Bankers Avoid Another CRE Debacle?

Banks are using big data to stress test and manage credit risk associated with commercial mortgages. A recent article in American Banker highlighted that even community banks, with under $5 billion in assets, are using market and tenant data software to inform commercial real estate (CRE) lending decisions and to monitor exposures. In light of recent warnings from regulators about growing […]

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March 2024 tenant esg data

Can we make tenant data collection easier?

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November 2018

Canada’s first Zero Carbon Building – Performance certified project prioritizes carbon emissions as key metric

With its achievement of Canada’s first Zero Carbon Building – Performance certification in June 2018, Bentall Kennedy’s 100 Murray Street building in Ottawa highlights how any high-performing existing building can reach zero carbon emissions.

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October 2017

Carbon & Energy week on GRESB Insights

If you missed any of our blogs on carbon & energy, find them all here:

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November 2018

Carbon Context: Achieving Clarity in Public Emission Disclosures

“Our company has reduced our emissions by 20%!” The frequency of carbon disclosure headlines such as this is only increasing as the real estate industry steps up its environmental initiatives.

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September 2015

Carbon Credentials – Data Management and Reporting

“Carbon Credentials works with a number of market leading real estate organisations in the UK including Hermes Real Estate, The Crown Estate, and Aviva Investors to drive value out of sustainability data. We believe that reporting to GRESB provides companies with a framework for continual improvement of sustainability performance.  Working with our property sector clients […]

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September 2017

Carbon Management – company carbon footprint

Sustainability Consultant – Design agency (to support business tender) In response to tender questions for an NHS contract, Delta-Simons was instructed by the design agency Distraction (formally Design by Distraction) to calculate their business CO2eq footprint for the past three years.

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August 2021

Carbon Neutrality

Achieving carbon neutrality has become increasingly important in recent decades due to global community concerns over climate change. The destructive impacts of emissions, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2), on climate change are widely accepted.

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September 2022 Carbon Neutrality and Net Zero Carbon implications for real estate

Carbon neutrality and net-zero carbon implications for real estate

While net zero targets and frameworks provide useful guidance and starting points for communicating ambition, targets are meaningless without action

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July 2018

Carbon Shift: Why Energy is Fading as a Key Performance Indicator

One of the benefits of early participation in the GRESB Real Estate Assessment was that it helped real estate portfolios improve their environmental, social and governance (ESG) -related policies and management systems.

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January 2018

Case Study: Canada-Leading Geo-Exchange Retrofit

This article is part of a series of selected ESG case studies submitted by participants in the 2017 GRESB Real Estate Assessment. CF is proud of our leadership and innovation in implementing Canada’s first geo-exchange retrofit of an occupied, mixed-use high-rise complex in a downtown city core! Purpose of the project CF is proud to […]

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January 2018

Case Study: CAPP at The Corn Exchange

This article is part of a series of selected ESG case studies submitted by participants in the 2017 GRESB Real Estate Assessment. “The Corn Exchange was selected for this project due to its significant level of electricity consumption, amongst the highest in the AIPT portfolio. Through granular data capture, detailed analysis and collaboration we are […]

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January 2018

Case study: CoastAdapt Climate Change Adaptation at North Queensland Airport

This article is part of a series of selected ESG case studies submitted by participants in the 2017 GRESB Infrastructure Assessment. Purpose of the project The goals of the North Queensland Airport (NQA) case study were to build a better internal capacity and understanding of future risks to both airport assets and airport operations including […]

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January 2018

Case Study: Delivering Insight from Waste Data

This article is part of a series of selected ESG case studies submitted by participants in the 2017 GRESB Real Estate Assessment. We have formed a successful partnership with Capita identifying innovative ways of reducing consumption, we now need to continue this good work with further improvements. Kevin Bould, RLAM Purpose of the project To […]

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January 2018

Case Study: EastLink Goats – Vegetation and Weed Clearance

This article is part of a series of selected ESG case studies submitted by participants in the 2017 GRESB Infrastructure Assessment. “This initiative was proposed by one of our landscaping team members and the results have shown we can address workplace sustainability challenges through lateral, innovative thinking. This initiative has provided a safer work environment […]

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January 2018

Case Study: High Efficiency HVAC Equipment Program

This article is part of a series of selected ESG case studies submitted by participants in the 2017 GRESB Real Estate Assessment. Good business decisions combined with good sustainability choices generates costs savings, reduces energy and GHG, and provides our tenants with more efficient and reliable equipment. Purpose of the project The purpose of installing […]

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January 2018

Case Study: Internal Community Grants

This article is part of a series of selected ESG case studies submitted by participants in the 2017 GRESB Real Estate Assessment. Vicinity’s community grants program has directed $100,000 in funding to a range of high impact community projects that address youth unemployment and disengagement at the local level.” Purpose of the project The purpose […]

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January 2018

Case Study: Investa OzHarvest CEO Cook Off

This article is part of a series of selected ESG case studies submitted by participants in the 2017 GRESB Real Estate Assessment. “As a CEO and father, I abhor the idea that anyone doesn’t have the security of a safe place to sleep, or the comfort of knowing where their next meal will come from.” […]

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February 2018

Case Study: Launch of the Speak up Campaign

This article is part of a series of selected ESG case studies submitted by participants in the 2017 GRESB Infrastructure Assessment. Purpose of the project Recognising that there was a need to increase the number of interactions from staff on matters affecting them and as a result of there being no reports through the whistle-blowing […]

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January 2018

Case Study: Mall as Social Infrastructure

This article is part of a series of selected ESG case studies submitted by participants in the 2017 GRESB Real Estate Assessment. We strive to meet local needs beyond conventional commercial facilities; not only for shopping but also for getting people together and nurturing tradition and culture. Purpose of the project This company’s management philosophy […]

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January 2018

Case Study: Milton Park Community & Customer Engagement

This article is part of a series of selected ESG case studies submitted by participants in the 2017 GRESB Real Estate Assessment.   Purpose of the project People are fundamental to the sustainability of any location and the businesses that are based there. The ability to attract and retain great people and have them feeling […]

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January 2018

Case Study: Navigation Park: On-site renewable energy

This article is part of a series of selected ESG case studies submitted by participants in the 2017 GRESB Real Estate Assessment. “Navigation Park is another example of SEGRO leading the way in Sustainable Industrial development.” Ben Brakes, Group Sustainability Manager Purpose of the project The aim of the project was to develop London’s first […]

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January 2018

Case Study: RLAM Energy Efficiency Programme (EEP)

This article is part of a series of selected ESG case studies submitted by participants in the 2017 GRESB Real Estate Assessment. We have formed a successful partnership with Capita identifying innovative ways of reducing consumption, we now need to continue this good work with further improvements. Kevin Bould, RLAM, June

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January 2018

Case Study: Royal Victoria Place Energy Management

This article is part of a series of selected ESG case studies submitted by participants in the 2017 GRESB Real Estate Assessment. “There is always more we can do to improve a building energy performance, it is about the commitment of the managers, engagement with tenants, and seeking every little improvement.” Purpose of the project […]

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May 2018

Case Study: Sello – a perfect place to come together

This building – it’s a place to learn. It’s a place to compete. A place to practise, to improve. To invent. But above all, this building is a community. -Marianne Harjula, Sello Event Manager

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January 2018

Case Study: Supporting Local Students in Victoria

This article is part of a series of selected ESG case studies submitted by participants in the 2017 GRESB Real Estate Assessment. “By hiring students from Mount Ridley College, we were able to open a new store with local knowledge, passionate staff and the ability to provide exceptional, localised customer service.” -Leah Theodosiadis, Best&Less Store […]

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January 2018

Case Study: Sustainable Toilet in TaikooHui, Guangzhou

This article is part of a series of selected ESG case studies submitted by participants in the 2017 GRESB Real Estate Assessment. The installation of Eco-Toilet can greatly reduce the water consumption for flushing and to minimize the impact on the environment, especially on marine pollution. Purpose of the project Adopting the appearance of a […]

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January 2018

Case Study: The Great Energy Reduction Race

This article is part of a series of selected ESG case studies submitted by participants in the 2017 GRESB Real Estate Assessment. “It’s a real win-win when you can use measures to reduce consumption and save resources and still effectively and efficiently deliver required services to your tenants.” – Laura A. Masapolla, Property Manager for […]

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January 2018

Case Study: Waste Management Program

This article is part of a series of selected ESG case studies submitted by participants in the 2017 GRESB Real Estate Assessment. The Waste Management Program was responsible for building occupants awareness of the correct waste collection and disposal and increased waste diverted from landfill. Purpose of the project In Brazil, near 41% of all […]

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January 2018

Case Study: Wellington Place Wellbeing and Community Initiatives

This article is part of a series of selected ESG case studies submitted by participants in the 2017 GRESB Real Estate Assessment.  “The ability to attract and retain great people and have them feeling their best is a vital ingredient to long term success of places and business” Purpose of the project People are fundamental […]

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