World Built Environment Forum

Be a part of WBEF Dubai 2022 – The liveable city.
Where influencers, innovators and investors will draw a new blueprint for liveability, prosperity, and wellbeing across the urbanised world.

Does the ESG investment boom mark a permanent change of direction in financial markets? Has the build back better movement stalled in the face of ongoing economic disruption? Do concepts like the 15-minute city, circular economy and mobility-as-a-service represent the near future of urban design, or mere passing fads? Will we ever live in truly smart, carbon-neutral, zero-waste and affordable cities? And is liveability just another buzzword?

Join industry experts and senior leaders from around the world to share strategies for the creation of agile, healthy, and resilient places as the urban century unfolds. Book your ticket today and help to shape the conversation.

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