RICS World Built Environment Forum – Europe

To realise this vision, WBEF Europe will take place at the Procuratie Vecchie, a historical landmark in Piazza San Marco, where we will convene sector leaders from different backgrounds to advance discussions of critical importance and ultimately shape the future of the profession and that of the built and natural environments.

The Procuratie Vecchie is an example of optimal renovation of heritage-built environment to enhance sustainability. The restoration of the Procuratie Vecchie was managed by Generali Real Estate on the basis of a project commissioned to David Chipperfield Architects Milan, selected following an international competition to renovate and enhance the prestigious building while respecting its unique historical and cultural heritage. Today, the Procuratie is the new home of The Human Safety Net.

2 half days to analyse how to reach a sustainable, resilient, and prosperous continent

Over 2 half days, participants will build a picture of the effective decarbonisation of the European built environment and sustainable investment practices amidst a global economic downturn that is impacting industry practice and notions of business-as-usual. At the heart of it, the ESG agenda will be a constant feature throughout the event. To conclude, we will revise what has been discussed across the different sessions and state the next steps to achieve a sustainable, resilient, and prosperous continent.

Event details