How to engage tenants for smarter ESG data collection

With new regulations making granular smart metering an undeniable necessity by 2025, now is the moment for properties to get ahead of the curve. Join nanoGrid’s free webinar on 8.12. from 9-10AM CET where experts will provide tactics to engage tenants for the transparent utility data access crucial for benchmarking ESG performance.

Hear strategies from thought leaders at CRREM, GRESB, Patrizia, and nanoGrid for motivating tenants and establishing win-win data sharing partnerships through seamless smart metering solutions. Walk away with the knowledge to accelerate your ESG transparency, meet Scope 1 & 2 reporting requirements before submetering becomes compulsory.

Register now.

Key topics:
• Smart metering solutions to enable seamless data collection
• Incentives and communication tactics to gain buy-in
• Getting ahead of tightening regulations

Event details