Defining Resilience: A People-First Approach to Protecting Places
In my years working at the intersection of health and design, I’ve noticed that something interesting tends to happen in conversations about resilience. Often, when the word is mentioned, everyone nods in vigorous agreement – while thinking of very different things.In real estate, of course, resilience tends to be all about designing structures to withstand the increasingly violent consequences of a warming earth. The conversation might turn to things like base-isolated corporate campuses or minimalist modern floating homes.
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To Build Back Better, Invest in People-First Places
Building back – whether it’s our offices, schools, housing or federal buildings – we should ensure that we’re adopting a people-first approach to enhance these spaces. And the past year has demonstrated beyond the shadow of a doubt that fostering health and well-being is not only a moral imperative, but an investment that always pays dividends.
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Investing in Health, Well-Being and Equity: The Time is Now
We all saw what happened next: because companies could measure progress, and investors could reward it, buildings got greener, fast. Better metrics and more attention helped real estate companies construct and operate buildings in ways that support the health of our planet.
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Investing in Inclusion drives Global Returns
Industries across sectors are mobilizing around the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), responding to an urgent call to action for urban development to recognize the ties between human health, environmental sustainability, and socioeconomic equity.
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Health, circularity and material transparency: rethinking our material world
We know that, at scale, human health and planetary health are the same thing. So it stands to reason that from a rounded and holistic world view, health and circularity are two sides of the same coin that need to be addressed together, particularly in the context of building products and material cycles.
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