The Pre-Submission Check (formerly Response Check) is carried out by Sustainability Assurance Services (formerly SRI) and features a careful review of your Assessment response followed by a 1-hour discussion call. After the discussion call, you will receive a feedback report highlighting issues found. You can also choose to only receive a feedback report, without a call.
The Pre-Submission Check does not exclude you from any element of the validation process, nor does it guarantee a better GRESB score. It is intended to ensure you have not overlooked important details in your submission and provides you the opportunity to ask for additional guidance and clarification on the GRESB Assessment indicators.
Due to high demand we have extended the deadline to request a Pre-Submission Check.
- We encourage all participants to request a Pre-Submission Check for all GRESB Assessments, which can be done from April 1 until June 7.
- Pre-Submission Checks can be scheduled from May 1 until June 26.

What are the benefits of a Pre-Submission Check?
- Helps to reduce errors that may adversely impact your Assessment results.
- Ensures that your submission is as complete as possible.
- Identifies inconsistent responses and incorrect answer formats.
- Provides you the opportunity to ask for additional guidance and clarification on the GRESB Assessment indicators.
- In 2023, new participants using Pre-Submission Check scored 2.9– 7.4 points higher on average than those who didn’t.
You can purchase a Pre-Submission Check in the Portal via the shop icon.
A Pre-Submission Check includes a review of all scored indicators for all Components, except asset-level reporting for the Real Estate Performance Component*. This means the Pre-Submission Check will cover:
Real Estate:
- Management
- Performance (portfolio-level indicators only)
- Development
- Fund
- Asset Management
- Asset Performance
- Development Asset
Pre-Submission Checks also include a review of entity and reporting characteristics.
*Asset level reporting for the Real Estate Performance Component is subject to a comprehensive set of automatic validation checks designed to help ensure a complete and correct submission.
You can purchase a Pre-Submission Check in the Portal via the shop icon.
You can request a Pre-Submission Check in the portal, at any time after you start an Assessment. At the time of request and after payment, you will be prompted to schedule a time for a 1 hour call with 1-2 staff from the Pre-Submission Check team.
Make sure your Assessment is complete at least 1 week before the call so that the Pre-submission Check team has sufficient time to review your Assessment before the call. If your Assessment is not complete at the time of review, the Pre-Submission Check team will only review completed indicators.
After the call, you will receive a feedback report that you can use to review and revise your Assessment before submission. You can also choose to only receive a feedback report, without a call.
We strongly encourage participants to place their request and schedule their call as early as possible because there are a fixed number of appointments and it is not uncommon for requests to surpass availability.
Calls can be booked from within the GRESB Portal from April 1 until June 7, and checks can be scheduled between May 1 and June 26, subject to available time slots.
Yes. The purpose of the Pre-Submission Check is to help you provide a complete and accurate Assessment submission. You can use the Pre-Submission Check feedback to review your responses before you submit.
Please contact us with any questions.