Benefits of the GRESB Portfolio Analysis Tool
This online tool provides added value for institutional investors as well as managers and operators that participate with several entities by comparing the relative performance of each portfolio.
- Measure your ESG performance against a self-selected benchmark based on location, legal structure, sector, and management style and see how your portfolios vary against these parameters.
- Calculate the environmental footprint of your portfolio.
- Identify the investments in your portfolio that are leading on ESG performance and those that are underperforming.
- Calculate the environmental efficiency of your portfolio in terms of energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, water usage and waste streams.
- Improve your ESG reporting to your stakeholders.
- Determine if your investment portfolios are being managed productively, efficiently and responsibly.
How to use the Portfolio Analysis Tool
The Portfolio Analysis Tool is available in the GRESB Portal as part of Assessment Participation.
See guidance on how to use the Portfolio Analysis Tool for Real Estate and Infrastructure.