GRESB General & Community Logos
The below logos are available for GRESB Members and Partners to use, following our Brand Guidelines. Please note that GRESB logos are proprietary material and may not be altered in any way and may not be used without GRESB’s permission. The general GRESB logo can also be used by educational organizations and sites following the Brand Guidelines.
The standard GRESB logos can be used when referring to GRESB Assessments and Benchmarks.
The GRESB Member and Partner logos and signature badges can be used by GRESB Investor Members, Participant Members and Partners but may not be altered in any way.
- Infrastructure
Organizations that are GRESB Partners or Industry Partners may use these logos and email signatures. The logos are GRESB’s proprietary material and cannot be altered in any way.
- Real Estate
- Infrastructure
Participants of the GRESB Real Estate Lender Roundtable can use the following logo. The logo is GRESB’s proprietary material and cannot be altered in any way.
The GRESB Real Estate Lender Roundtable was established in 2024 as a collaborative effort to advance sustainability practices and enhance ESG integration in the real estate debt industry.
Marketing Resources for GRESB Results Events
Each year we are excited to recognize and celebrate GRESB Participants from across the world who have inspired us with their leadership and commitment. We publicly highlight managers and companies with 5 Star rated entities together with Infrastructure Fund Managers who achieve a GRESB Score.

GRESB Rating
The GRESB Rating is based on the GRESB Score and the quintile position an entity occupies relative to all entities participating in the GRESB Assessment. If an entity is placed in the top quintile, it is recognized as a GRESB 5 Star rated entity. Each year, 20% of entities receive a GRESB 5 Star rating.
In 2024, we will continue to publicly recognize the achievement of a 5 Star rating in the Assessment participation directory. In the case of listed companies and non-listed infrastructure assets, we will disclose the name of the company with a 5 Star rating. In the case of non-listed real estate entities and infrastructure funds, we will disclose the name of the fund manager together with how many of their entities have a 5 star rating.
A high-resolution GRESB Rating logo can be downloaded from your GRESB Scorecard in the Portal. We have also provided the logos and email signatures below. Please note that the logo may only be used to identify the GRESB Rating you have achieved as noted on your GRESB Scorecard.
You can find logos for previous years below:
2023 Real Estate Rating Logos, 2023 Real Estate Rating Logos (white)
2022 Real Estate Rating Logos , 2022 Real Estate Rating Logos (white)
A high-resolution GRESB Rating logo can be downloaded from your GRESB Scorecard in the Portal. We have also provided the logos and email signatures below. Please note that the logo may only be used to identify the GRESB Rating you have achieved as noted on your GRESB Scorecard.
You can find logos for previous years below:
2023 Infrastructure Rating Logos, 2023 Infrastructure Rating Logos (white)
2022 Infrastructure Rating Logos, 2022 Infrastructure Rating Logos (white)
We will continue to recognize Real Estate entities with a score higher than 50% of the points allocated to each relevant component. Entities with more than 15 points in Management and 35 points in Performance – or – 15 points in Management and 35 points in Development will receive the Green Star designation, highlighted through a distinctive markup in the Scorecard and Benchmark Reports.
The Green Star designation is only provided for Real Estate Assessment participants.
Unlike the GRESB Rating, which is a relative rating, the GRESB Green Star is a rating on absolute performance.
The Green Star designation is highlighted through a distinctive markup in the Scorecard and Benchmark Reports. It is not accompanied by a Green Star logo.

GRESB Sector Leaders
The GRESB Sector Leaders are the best performers by sector, region and nature of ownership from across the GRESB Assessments. This year we will continue to recognize the entity with the top GRESB Score and all those with a score within 1 point of the top score for each category.
You may use the GRESB Sector Leader logos and email signatures in your communications. Please note that the logo may only be used to identify Sector Leaders.
Download the Real Estate Sector Leader logos and email signatures below.
You can find logos for previous years below:
2023 Real Estate Sector Leader Logo, 2023 Real Estate Sector Leader Logo (white)
2022 Real Estate Sector Leader Logo, 2022 Real Estate Sector Leader Logo (white)
The entity with the top GRESB Score, as well as the entities with a score within 1 point of the top score in a category will be recognized as Sector Leaders.
- Categories are unique combinations of sector, region and nature of ownership. Each category requires a minimum of six entities.
- Sector Leaders are determined for each region (Regional Sector Leaders) and globally (Global Sector Leaders), taking legal status into account.
- It is possible for the same entity to be recognized as both a Regional Sector Leader and a Global Sector Leader.
- Within each region, we need a minimum of six listed and six non-listed entities in order to assign Sector Leaders, both for the Listed and Non-listed category. If we do not have six entities in one of the categories, we do not assign a Sector Leader for that category. We assign a Sector Leader for the combined category within each region. If we do not have six entities for the combined category, we do not assign any Sector Leader for that region.
Example: If the top score in Office, Americas, Listed is 96.0000, all entities with a score above 95.0000 will be recognized as Sector Leaders in this category. If the second highest score registered in this category is 94.9999, GRESB will only recognize one Sector Leader – the entity with a score of 96.0000. For the purposes of this analysis, GRESB will use scores rounded to the fourth decimal.
Download the Infrastructure Sector Leader logos and email signatures below.
You can find logos for previous years below:
2023 Infrastructure Sector Leader Logo, 2023 Infrastructure Sector Leader Logo (white)
2022 Infrastructure Sector Leader Logo, 2022 Infrastructure Sector Leader Logo (white)
The entity with the top GRESB Score, as well as the entities with a score within 1 point of the top score in a category will be recognized as Sector Leaders
For Infrastructure Funds, categories are unique sectors at either the Region or Sector level (using the TICCS classification). Each category requires a minimum of six entities at the Sector level.
For Infrastructure Assets, categories are unique sectors at either the Industrial-group (Superclass) or Sector level (using the TICCS classification). Each category requires a minimum of 12 entities at the Sector level or six entities at the Industrial-group (Superclass) level. For sectors where there are fewer than six entities at the Industrial-group (Superclass) level, these entities will be bundled into an ‘Other’ group so every entity has an opportunity to be a Sector Leader.

Infrastructure Managers with a GRESB Score
The GRESB Score – Infrastructure Fund/Asset is a clear recognition of the ESG coverage of their portfolio. This is because it is only available to Infrastructure Fund Managers with more than 25% of their underlying assets completing the Infrastructure Asset Assessment.
In 2024, we will continue to publicly recognize Infrastructure Fund Managers that receive GRESB Scores. The listing will include the name of the fund manager together with the number of their participating funds that received a GRESB Score.
You may use the GRESB Score – Infrastructure Fund logo and email signature in your communications. Please note that the logo may only be used to identify Infrastructure Fund Managers that have achieved a GRESB Score – meaning more than 25% of their underlying assets completed the Infrastructure Asset Assessment.
You can find logos for previous years below:
2023 GRESB Score – Infrastructure Fund Logo, 2023 GRESB Score – Infrastructure Asset Logo
2022 GRESB Score – Infrastructure Fund Logo, 2022 GRESB Score – Infrastructure Asset Logo

GRESB Infrastructure & Real Estate Public Disclosure badge
The GRESB Infrastructure & Real Estate Public Disclosure badge recognizes listed infrastructure and real estate companies.
You may use the GRESB Public Disclosure badge in your communications. Please note that the badge may only be used to identify Public Disclosure participants.
Public Communications
We will notify managers who have received recognitions (GRESB Sector Leaders, GRESB 5 Star Rated, and Infrastructure Fund Managers with a GRESB Score) when the public results are released in October. The listings will then be included on the public website, in press releases, and shared with media partners. There will be no embargo date this year, as such participants can choose to publicly communicate their final GRESB results, should they wish to do so, once they receive their final Benchmark Report in early October.
Like in previous years, we will be providing helpful marketing resources, including logos, press release templates and quotes from GRESB’s CEO, for members to use in public communications. The marketing resources page will be updated throughout September as resources become available.
Communicating about peer groups
In 2023, GRESB introduced a test version of its “Customized Peer Group” functionality for real estate entities, which is now included as part of the annual Assessment cycle. While participants are welcome to share this customized ranking with investors outside of the GRESB Portal, we recommend that participants still use their official peer group designation found on their Benchmark Report in any public communication.
It is important to note that when any relative ranking is communicated based on a customized selection, it should be clearly indicated that the ranking was created using the Customized Peer Group functionality.
Additionally, when communicating about peer groups in public communication, it is important to accurately reflect the group’s selection criteria to avoid confusion. Because peer group names are long, we recommend referencing the full peer group name once in any piece of communication and using shorthand in other instances. Alternatively, you can use general language if it does not misrepresent the nature or scope of the peer group.
Feel free to use the following text to describe GRESB and please include the link to our website for more information.
GRESB is a mission-driven and industry-led organization providing standardized and validated Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) data to financial markets. Established in 2009, GRESB has become the leading ESG benchmark for real estate and infrastructure investments across the world, used by 150 institutional and financial investors to inform decision-making. For more information, visit -
Real Estate: This year’s Real Estate Assessment saw a record 2,223 listed and non-listed portfolios participate, generating a benchmark that covers USD 7 trillion of gross asset value (GAV) across 80 markets.
Infrastructure: This year, the Infrastructure Fund Assessment covers 167 participating funds, and the Infrastructure Asset Assessments include 720 assets, across 81 countries. The Infrastructure Benchmark now covers approximately USD 468 billion of gross asset value (GAV) at the fund level and USD 1.6 trillion at the asset level (including development assets).
Below are quotes for GRESB Participants to include in their 2024 public communication about their participation in GRESB. These can be used off the shelf. Participants looking for personalized quotes should direct their enquiry to the GRESB Member Relations Team or their GRESB Regional Teams for consideration.
Note: To be attributed to Sebastien Roussotte, CEO, GRESB
General quotes
“Each year, the GRESB Benchmark serves as a powerful reminder of the positive impact that focused sustainability efforts can have on our industry and beyond. We commend participants for their ongoing commitment to sustainable development.”
“The results of this year’s GRESB Assessments are a testament to the progress being made across the sector. It’s clear that our participants are helping set new standards in sustainability.”
“As the global push for sustainability intensifies, the progress reflected in this year’s GRESB Benchmark is inspiring. GRESB Members continue to lead the way, demonstrating the tangible benefits of strong ESG performance.”
“When we talk about making real progress towards a more sustainable world, we look for practical indicators. The continued growth of the GRESB Benchmark and the dedication of Participant Members illustrated in this year’s results are clear indicators that the real assets industry is taking real steps towards a greener future.”
GRESB at 15 years“This is the 15th year of the GRESB Benchmarks, and it reflects the remarkable strides that our participants have made in sustainability. We are both proud and encouraged to see the continuous improvement and dedication of GRESB Participants to responsible investment practices.”
“As we celebrate the 15th year of the GRESB Benchmarks, it’s inspiring to see how far we’ve come together in driving sustainability across the real estate and infrastructure sectors. This year’s results are a testament to the growing commitment of our members to ESG excellence.”
“Reflecting on 15 years of industry progress, GRESB has evolved along with the real assets industry, transforming ambitious sustainability goals into industry standards. Through relentless commitment to ESG principles, GRESB Participants continue to increase transparency, improve performance, and set a powerful precedent for the future of the built environment.”
“Fifteen years of GRESB have brought tremendous progress in sustainability, and this year’s benchmark results are a powerful reminder of the impact our members are making. We are honored to support their continued advancement.”
Sector leaders“GRESB Sector Leaders help set the pace for the industry, leading the way towards a more sustainable future. We are both proud of and encouraged by this year’s Sector Leaders for their dedication, leadership, and commitment to ESG principles and sustainability.”
“Our Sector Leaders this year have demonstrated extraordinary commitment to sustainability, leading by example and driving the industry forward. Their dedication to ESG excellence is truly commendable.”
“What does it mean to be a GRESB Sector Leader? It’s an acknowledgment of leadership and a demonstration of the deep dedication and excellence that is driving the industry forward.”
GRESB international / global“GRESB is the global standard for ESG transparency and measurable performance, trusted by asset managers and investors worldwide to provide actionable insights that are driving the transition to a sustainable future.”
“Our rigorous ESG benchmarks, aligned with international frameworks such as the Paris Agreement and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, position GRESB as the definitive reference for measuring and improving real asset sustainability globally.”
“GRESB’s industry-driven Standards and rigorous validation have established it as the benchmark for real asset sustainability assessment, providing the global financial community with a trusted tool to both measure and elevate performance.”
You worked hard to achieve them, so it makes sense to share your GRESB Results on social media and celebrate your success. Remember to mention @GRESB.