Sustainable Hospitality Alliance and GRESB join forces, steering the hospitality sector towards sustainability

GRESB is pleased to announce a new partnership with the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance. The partnership is geared towards spearheading sustainability endeavors within the hospitality sector, charting the course for a more sustainable future.

The Sustainable Hospitality Alliance unites committed hospitality organizations and the broader value chain, alongside strategic partners, harnessing the collective influence of the hospitality industry to drive impact both locally and globally. With a mission to expedite the journey towards net positive hospitality, the organization emphasizes strategic industry stewardship, collaborative efforts, metric harmonization, and regenerative solutions.

The new partnership will see both organizations actively participating in ad-hoc initiatives such as working groups, events, and training sessions, aiming to provide members with support and guidance on their sustainability journey.

For further details, please refer to the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance’s press release.